South Lee Educate Together

September Learning in Senior Infants

October 19, 2024 Tracey McMahon Comments Off

Welcome to Senior Infants!

September has been a busy month in our class. We were all very happy to see each other again after our summer holidays and we were ready for lots of new learning. Every day we have Ready, Set, Go Math’s where we work in small groups with either teacher Clara, Labhaoise/Jane and Tracey. It’s fun to work with a different teacher every day! After learning about the people who help us in school a lot of our playtime revolved around the theme of ‘ school’. We had our school to run in the role play area and took it in turns to pretend to be the teacher, caretaker, principal, secretary and students. Autumn is a great season to go on nature walks and we found lots of signs of autumn during our walk around the school.