Here in South Lee we are taking part in the Green Schools project as we are passionate about making environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of our school. Green Schools is an international environmental education programme, offering a well-defined, controllable way for schools to take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day-to-day running of their school.
We are currently working towards achieving our first flag which focuses on litter and waste. This means we are examining the impact of litter and waste on the environment and explores practical means for reducing and minimising the amount of litter and waste produced by the school.
Our Green Schools Committee works extremely hard. They attend weekly meetings, under the guidance of teacher Tracey and SNA Aoife, where they discuss issues relating to waste in the school. They first set about clearly labelling and colour coding all the bins in the school. They communicated with each class the type of materials disposed of in each bin type. They carry out weekly bin inspections to ensure each class is using their bins correctly and award smiley faces accordingly. They organise termly whole school litter picks ups and encourage positive attitudes to waste reduction among the whole school community.