South Lee Educate Together

September Learning in 2nd Class

October 21, 2024 Alison Forde Comments Off

2nd Class were absolutely delighted to return to school and get stuck right back in this September. We were thrilled to reconnect with our friends and also connect with new members to our class, school and staff! We spent lots of September, exploring the theme of ‘All About Me’. We shared facts about ourselves, found similarities with each other and celebrated the diversity within our classroom.

We have been enjoying using concrete resources in Maths and using manipulatives to figure out some tricky maths problems! We have been sharing different strategies and methods with each other, it is great to learn from our friends aswel as our teacher!

In SESE and in Art, we looked at and responded to the work of the Spanish artist and architect Gaudi. We explored the different materials used by Gaudi in his buildings and compared them to what our homes in Ireland are made from. We noticed that Gaudi used mosaic in his works and so we decided to make our own mosaics inspired by him. Ali showed us some pictures that she took of Gaudi’s work when she visited Barcelona in June 2017, we could not believe how young we were when Ali took those pictures!!