As always, September seemed to take forever to arrive and disappeared before we knew it. We have settled into our class routine really well and are busy building on our literacy and numeracy skills. In literacy, we are exploring a wide range of different stories and imaging how they relate to our lives. We are also learning about different diagraphs i.e. -ar -er and using these words to create beautiful images on our Interactive Whiteboard. In numeracy, we’ve been learning all about number sentences and using a range of bugs, teddy bears and mini-pets to create groups and describe these in writing… often there is a bug battle involved! We’ve also been working on shapes in a lovely game called Tile with Style on website. Check it out at home!
We have also studied the paintings of Pablo Picasso and conducted experiments on tornados, volcanos and expanding universes! We’ve explored the forests of Colaiste Stiofan Naofa for chestnuts, acorns and dried leaves and created dramas around the mystical characters hiding within them.
September 2024
As always, September seemed to take forever to arrive and disappeared before we knew it. We have settled into our class routine really well and are busy building on our literacy and numeracy skills. In literacy, we are exploring a wide range of different stories and imaging how they relate to our lives. We are also learning about different diagraphs i.e. -ar -er and using these words to create beautiful images on our Interactive Whiteboard. In numeracy, we’ve been learning all about number sentences and using a range of bugs, teddy bears and mini-pets to create groups and describe these in writing… often there is a bug battle involved! We’ve also been working on shapes in a lovely game called Tile with Style on website. Check it out at home!
We have also studied the paintings of Pablo Picasso and conducted experiments on tornados, volcanos and expanding universes! We’ve explored the forests of Colaiste Stiofan Naofa for chestnuts, acorns and dried leaves and created dramas around the mystical characters hiding within them.
All in all, a great start back to school!