South Lee Educate Together

May Updates: Senior Autism Class - South Lee Educate Together

May Updates: Senior Autism Class

May 29, 2024 Ted Comments Off

What a month we have had!  We kicked off May with a trip to Blackrock Castle Observatory where we observed some stars, learned about astronomy, and heard some history of the castle.  We were able to climb to the top where we saw some stunning views of the harbor in the sunshine, and then built our own “rockets” before returning to school.  More recently, we have made a trip to the Clashduv garden and helped the gardeners there with some important work.  Then, we took our experience back to South Lee where we began weeding some of the garden beds at our school. 

We have begun working with Chromebooks for some of our literacy lessons, and the students are loving the chance to work on their typing, formatting, and computer navigation skills too.  Our literacy lessons have been about food, which has paired nicely with the school’s new hot lunch program!  Students have been practicing oral language around taste, their grammatical understanding of verb tenses, and connecting questions with answers based on key words and oral emphasis.  

In maths, we have reviewed estimation, place value, and adding and subtracting larger sums with a focus on finding alternative strategies.  We are also so excited for our choir performance to finish up this month, and have been practicing our songs regularly in preparation. 

Only one month to go!