South Lee Educate Together

April Learning - South Lee Educate Together

April Learning

June 20, 2024 Caitriona Comments Off

The children in Second Class have been learning all about plastic this month! They have explored the life cycle of products that biodegrade and they have compared this with the life cycle of plastic (they were horrified!) The children have begun a number of campaigns to try to reduce our plastic consumption, one of which is ‘The Naked Sandwich Campaign’. The children have loved creating posters, speaking with other classes and talking with their families about the importance of reducing the amount of plastic that we use. It has been an amazing campaign and the whole school has been getting on board!

This month we have also covered a number of maths topics but one of the favourites had to have been length! The children loved using different resources to measure a variety of different things in the school. Everything from pencils and tables to teachers and best friends were measured!